A service for education establishments which purchases, collects and reuses timber/furniture waste.
Reclamation In Education
Member of CLEAPSS
Benefits Of Our Service
We make a direct payment to the school, for what we are able to reclaim.
All timber we reclaim is reused ourselves in sustainable furniture making .
Free of charge site collection , reducing waste disposal fees .
Natural Resource
Most of the timber is old growth tropical hardwoods. Which should be reused as a limited natural resource.
About Us
Since 2010 Reclamation In Education have been saving timber from landfill and reusing it in sustainable furniture making.
Most of the material we collect comes from educational sites undergoing refurbishment work.
Typically science and art departments seem to contain a high percentage of material we can reuse.
This is often in the form of old wooden science laboratory benching, tables, stools , other fixtures and fittings.
The fee paid often goes back into the departments budget.
Most of the timbers which we reclaim are slow growing ,old growth tropical hardwoods.
These timbers can no longer legally be sourced , due to protected forests and legislation.
These timbers are rare and should be preserved, not treated as waste.
Please contact us below if you have a project producing surplus to requirement reclaimed material.